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The recording data and details chosen by you will be personally validated by phone or email before se advance to the recording - please leave your contact information when filling in the data on the next page.


to see allworks carried out published, go aInstagram/triguh_


In case of need toclarification of any doubtat the moment, call918228397


How to customize:

1 - choose one of the designs from the Catalog and write a coleção and its name in the "Chosen design" field

2 - define name and recording date

3 - define the color of the bow (not a definitive choice, you can change it later)

4 - define if you want any personalized phrase behind the candle (ideas in text on this page)


If you want the Candle to have some personalized element (for example, the Graphics), send your image with the highest possible quality and in .png format to

Personalized Triguh Baptism Candle

  • Os dados de gravação e detalhes escolhidos por si serão validados pessoalmente por mensagem ou email antes de se avançar para a gravação - por favor deixe o seu contacto no preenchimento de dados da página seguinte.

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